The Birthday Song吉他谱_Corrinne May_G调和弦TXT吉他谱

歌手: Corrinne May 编号: 41766 阅读: 137 2023/02/19
《The Birthday Song吉他谱_Corrinne May_G调和弦TXT吉他谱》是由著名歌手 Corrinne May 演唱的《The Birthday Song》歌曲编配,节拍4/4,吉他谱123免费提供《The Birthday Song》完整文本TXT吉他谱(G调/和弦弹唱谱),此曲谱收录于2023年02月。
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  • Corrinne May - The Birthday Song
      Cadd9        Dsus4 D
    Don't worry about that extra  line
       Em9             Em9/B
    That's creeping up upon your face
       Cadd9     Dsus4  D
    It's just a part of nature's way 
    To say you've grown a little more 
    Cadd9           Dsus4 D
    Trees have rings and thicker branches 
    Em9             Em9/B
    Kids shoes get a little tighter 
    Am7              G     Cadd9          G 
    Every year we're getting closer to who we're gonna be 
       Am7     G           Cadd9          Dsus4 D
    It's time to celebrate the story of how you've come to be
           G    Em9 Bm7
    * Happy birthday my friend 
           Am7          G          Cadd9        Dsus4 D
    Here's to all the years we've shared together All the fun we've had 
         B/Eb  Em7         Cm
    You're such a blessing Such a joy in my life 
           G/D     Em9           Am7   D          Cadd9 D Em9
    May the good Lord bless you And may all your dreams come true
       Cadd9      Dsus4 D
    So light a candle on your cake 
       Em9                  Em9/B
    For every smile you've helped create 
       Cadd9       Dsus4 D
    For every heart and every soul 
                Em9          Em9/B
    You've known to grow a little more 
      Cadd9          Dsus4   D
    A few more pounds, a little more grey
        Em9                      Em9/B
    Don't count the years just count the way
      Am7            G    Cadd9      G 
    It takes a little time to go from water into wine 
        Am7      G         Cadd9        Dsus4 D
    Don't ever lose the wonder of the child within your eyes *
    G和弦图 Am和弦图 Bm和弦图 C和弦图 D和弦图 Em和弦图 D7和弦图
