最后的黄昏 章尾而 作曲:章尾而/汤令山 填词:章尾而 编配者:William ---------------------------------------------------------- Key=#C Play=C Capo=1 |A |Dm (每)天七点开眼便重(覆) |C7 |Dm7 (起)身梳洗穿上这时(装) |A7 |Cm7 (够)钟不想出去这房(间) |C7 Am7 |Dm7 (早)餐照旧(鲜)奶配常(餐) |D7 |Cm7 |C7 (疲)倦之中想看见黄(昏) 停留在(这)个瞬间 |Dm7 |E7 D7 (三)四点出发 自(己)salon剪(发) |Cm7 |C7 A7 扫(一)扫安心码 会(否)有安心(价) |Dm7 |D7 E7 酒(吧)叫杯啤酒 要(chill)到天黑(透) |Cm7 |C7 A7 有(几)攰都得救 最美好(终)于(发)生 |Dm7 |E7 C7 如若(在)这日结束 离别(在)每日接(触) |Cm7 Focusing on (lit)tle things |C7 Cuz I can't con(trol) just how wind blows |Dm7 |E7 C7 如若(在)这日结束 明日(像)每日重(复) |Cm7 It's in the (lit)tle things |C7 |Am7 N I'm just (fol)lowing the (flow) |Dm7 |D7 (上)班好想转眼便黄(昏) |Cm7 |C7 (六)点挤塞于这铜锣(湾) |Dm7 |D7 (炸)鸡加杯珍奶带回(家) |Cm7 |C7 (电)车兜风可算有时(间) |Dm7 |E7 F7 (七)八点工作 快(将)丧失知(觉) |Cm7 |C7 累(积)太多失落 已(不)记得欢乐 |Dm7 |D7 这(刻)放低想法 放(松)跳出风格 |Cm7 |C7 靠(心)态可转化 最美好(只)需用心 |Dm7 |E7 C7 如若(在)这日结束 离别(在)每日接(触) |Cm7 Focusing on (lit)tle things |C7 Cuz I can't con(trol) A7 just how wind (blows) |Dm7 |E7 D7 如若(在)这日结束 明日(像)每日重(复) |Cm7 It's in the (lit)tle things |C7 N I'm just (fol)lowing the flow |Dm7 |E7 |Cm7 |C7 |Dm7 I'm just ( )fol-following the |E7 C7 ( )fol-fol-(fol)lowing the flow |Cm7 |C7 ( )fol-fol-following the (flow) |Dm7 |D7 C7 如若(在)这日结束 离别(在)每日接(触) |Cm7 Focusing on (lit)tle things |C7 Cuz I can't con(trol) A7 just how wind (blows) |Dm7 |E7 D7 如若(在)这日结束 明日(像)每日重(复) |Cm7 It's in the (lit)tle things |C7 |C7 N I'm just (fol)lowing the flow ( )