Happy Xmas War is Over吉他谱_John Lennon_A调和弦TXT吉他谱
《Happy Xmas War is Over吉他谱_John Lennon_A调和弦TXT吉他谱》是由著名外国歌手 John Lennon 演唱的《Happy Xmas War is Over》歌曲编配,节拍4/4,吉他谱123免费提供《Happy Xmas War is Over》完整文本TXT吉他谱(A调/和弦弹唱谱),此曲谱收录于2021年02月。
John Lennon - Happy Christmas (War is Over) A Asus2 Asus4 A So this is Christmas Bm Bsus2 Bsus4 Bm And what have you done Esus4 E Esus2 E Another year over A Asus2 Asus4 A And a new one just begun D Dsus2 Dsus4 D And so this is Christmas Em Emm7 Em9 Em I hope you have fun Asus4 A Asus2 A The near and the dear ones D Dsus2 Dsus4 D The old and the young G A * A very Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year Em7 G A D E7sus4 E Let’s hope it’s a good one Without any fear A Asus2 Asus4 A And so this is Christmas Bm Bsus2 Bsus4 Bm For weak and for strong Esus4 E Esus2 E The rich and the poor ones A Asus2 Asus4 A The world is so wrong D Dsus2 Dsus4 D And so Happy Christmas Em Emm7 Em9 Em For black and for white Asus4 A Asus2 A For yellow and red ones D Dsus2 Dsus4 D Let’s stop all the fight *