What a friend we have in Jesus吉他谱_英文赞美诗_C调和弦TXT吉他谱

歌手: 英文赞美诗 编号: 24509 阅读: 285 2019/10/05
《What a friend we have in Jesus吉他谱_英文赞美诗_C调和弦TXT吉他谱》是由著名内地歌手 英文赞美诗 演唱的《What a friend we have in Jesus》歌曲编配,节拍4/4,吉他谱123免费提供《What a friend we have in Jesus》完整文本TXT吉他谱(C调/和弦弹唱谱),此曲谱收录于2019年10月。
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  • 编配者:喜二郎
    建议调: 1=bE  选调: 1=C  Capo=3
    [C]What a friend we have in [F]Jesus,
    [C]All our sins and griefs to [G]bear!
    [C]What a privilege to [F]carry
    [C]Every-[G]thing to God in [C]prayer!
    [G]O what [G7]peace we often [C]for-[Am7]feit,
    [F]O what [C]need-less pain we [G]bear,
    [C]All because we do not [F]car-ry
    [C]Every-[G]thing to God in [C]prayer.
    [C]Have we trials and temp-[F]ta-tions?
    [C]Is there trouble [G]any-where?
    [C]We should never be dis-[F]cour-aged;
    [C]Take it [G]to the Lord in [C]prayer.
    [G]Can we [G7]find a friend so [C]faith-[Am7]ful
    [F]Who will all [C]our sor-rows [G]share?
    [C]Je-sus knows our every [F]weak-ness;
    [C]Take it [G]to the Lord in [C]prayer.What a friend we have in Jesus
    C和弦图 Dm和弦图 Em和弦图 F和弦图 G和弦图 Am和弦图 G7和弦图
