Rock‘n‘roll star吉他谱_HUSH_A调和弦TXT吉他谱

歌手: HUSH 编号: 12700 阅读: 341 2017/06/03
《Rock‘n‘roll star吉他谱_HUSH_A调和弦TXT吉他谱》是由著名外国歌手 HUSH 演唱的《Rock‘n‘roll star》歌曲编配,节拍4/4,吉他谱123免费提供《Rock‘n‘roll star》完整文本TXT吉他谱(A调/和弦弹唱谱),此曲谱收录于2017年06月。
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  • D
    1.I want to be a rocknroll star 
    2.I can even be an old fashion star. 
               Dsus2/C         G                D
    to let you chase the star, catch the falling star. 
    I want to be your rocknroll star 
                 Dsus2/C      G              D
    that you can kiss my microphone, touch my guitar, 
        Gsus2            D/#F                 E7sus4       Dsus2
    but will you do that for me, (i mean )the crazy little thing. 
       Gsus2             D/#F       D/F          A
    if you are willing to be happy. Please, sing with me.
    D              Gadd9
    I want to be a rocknroll star 
               G               #A                D
    to let you chase the star, catch the falling star. 
    D                 Gadd9
    I want to be your rocknroll star 
                 G            #A              D
    that you can kiss my microphone, touch my guitar, 
    G               #A                       D
    Chase my heart, catch my falling heart.
    D       xx0232
    Dsus2/C x3x23x
    G      x2003x
    Gsus2   3xx23x
    D/#F    2xx23x
    D/F     1xx23x
    E7sus4  0xx23x
    A       x02220
    Gadd9   xx5435
    G       355433
    #A      x13331
    A和弦图 Bm和弦图 _Cm和弦图 D和弦图 E和弦图 _Fm和弦图 E7和弦图
